All American Chrysler Jeep Dodge Ram of Odessa

Dec 4, 2022
Chrysler Battery Service

Drivers rarely think about their car battery until it dies, leaving them stranded somewhere remote, unable to start their car.  You can avoid this unpleasant situation by keeping an eye out for the five key warning signs of a dying battery. If you notice any of the following indications of trouble, it might be time to visit your local Chrysler dealer for a new car battery.

Dimming Headlights

The most visible sign of a failing battery is faltering headlights. If you find yourself squinting to see the road at night, you might need to check your battery. It might also be that your bulbs are at fault. Test them both to find the culprit.

Stalling While Idling

A dying battery needs more energy from the alternator to keep it alive. This extra draw of energy puts more pressure on the engine, which is only really noticeable while you’re idling. So if your engine is sputtering or even stalling when idling, you may need a new battery.

Struggling to Start the Engine

If your engine struggles to start one morning, then your battery isn’t sending enough of an electrical charge to the starter. This might be because it’s run out of power, in which case all you need is a jump start and then your alternator will start to recharge your battery. If a jump start doesn’t help, your batter is probably on its last legs.

Corroded Connectors

When you pop the hood to inspect your battery, look for signs of corrosion on the connector terminals. Any white, ashy discoloration is a bad sign. That battery will have to go.

Damaged Battery Casing

The casing of your battery should be perfectly regular. With too much heat, cold, and age, a battery casing can sometimes crack or warp out of shape. This means the battery is close to leaking and should be replaced.

Leaking Battery Acid

Really old batteries can sometimes begin to leak, at which point they need to be thrown out. Leaking battery acid has a sulfury smell like the stench of rotten eggs, which you’re likely to notice while on the road.

How a Chrysler Dealer Tests Your Battery

The technician at your local dealership can use a number of ways to test your battery. Most often, they’ll use a digital multimeter. They might also carry out conductance testing, load testing, or refractometer testing. Either way, they’ll quickly ascertain whether you need a new battery or not.
Have your battery checked by experienced professionals today at

All American Chrysler Jeep Dodge RAM of Odessa. Our courteous, welcoming staff are dedicated to providing the drivers of Odessa, Midland, Pecos, Big Spring, Texas, and Hobbs, New Mexico with consistently top-notch customer service, whatever your vehicle needs might be.